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The Full Story

Liu Jiayue is a graduate student of the Department of Electronic Music of Sichuan Conservatory of Music, studying under Associate Professor Yang Wanjun. His main research areas are new media music composition and interactive electronic music composition. His works have won finalist awards in international electronic music competitions such as IEMC and ICMC, and he has given academic lectures in academic conferences such as EMSAN.


Music Credentials

Check out some of the past projects, performances, skills, and training experiences that make Psysia such an interesting and creative music professional. Their journey has been anything but traditional, filled with profound moments and unexpected collaborations that have shaped who they are and what they are working towards.




The work Aeon was exhibited at the Hangzhou International Electronic Music Composition Competition 2023 and won the third prize in the multimedia electronic music track.




ICMC2023, organized by ICMA (International Computer Music Association), was held in Shenzhen, China, from October 15 to 20, 2023, with the theme of "Sonic Ease - Sonic Breath". ICMC2023, organized by ICMA (International Computer Music Association), was held in Shenzhen, China, with the theme of "Sound Ease - Sound Breath". Ye Xiaogang, chairman of the organizing committee of the conference, president of the Chinese Musicians Association and dean of the Conservatory of Music of The Chinese University of Hong Kong (Shenzhen), said in his speech that the conference will use music as a medium to promote mutual understanding of civilizations, explore in depth the role of music science and technology in art, culture, society and life, and bring together cultures of many countries to enhance mutual understanding and deepen mutual feelings.

My piece Aeon was featured in the closing concert.


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