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I am currently in search of job opportunities in sound design, music production, recording, or any related audio field. If my professional background and skills meet your needs, I would be thrilled to discuss how I can contribute to your team. Please feel free to contact me at your earliest convenience. Thank you for considering my application.










数字音频工作站(DAW):Ableton Live、Logic Pro、Reaper等
声音设计工具:Max/Msp、GRM Tools、Audiomulch等
编程语言:C(用于Csound)、Ruby(用于sonic Pi)、Max/Msp
音频中间件:Wwise-101 Certification、Wwise-201 Certification

My Story

Born in 1998, currently residing in Chengdu. I am a member of the Electronic Music Society of the Chinese Musicians' Association. Throughout my academic career, I have independently composed numerous scholarly electronic music works, focusing on the exploration of the sonic world. I possess innovative thinking and strong execution abilities, and I am highly attentive to industry trends and developments. I continually enhance my professional aptitude through relentless learning and exploration.I am a fresh postgraduate from the Electronic Music Department of the Sichuan Conservatory of Music, majoring in new media music. My research delves into the possibilities between mediums and sound design in interactive electronic music. I have a solid foundation in music composition and sound design skills, combining scientific and artistic thinking, with a high level of musical and artistic aesthetics. I am well-versed in the principles and applications of various common audio effectors and familiar with interdisciplinary professional knowledge systems, having systematically studied digital signal processing, signals and systems (undergraduate), and music acoustics (postgraduate). I have a passion for gaming and a keen sensitivity to game sound effects and music.

In my professional endeavors, I aim to deepen my understanding and practice of audio theory and techniques, accumulate experience, enhance my professional skills, and contribute my expertise and creative thinking to the projects of the company, thus promoting its development and growth.


Career Objective
Sound design, music production, game audio, and other audio-related positions.


Language Proficiency
English (CET-6)


Digital Audio Workstations (DAW): Ableton Live, Logic Pro, Reaper, etc.
Sound Design Tools: Max/Msp, GRM Tools, Audiomulch, etc.
Programming Languages: C (for Csound), Ruby (for Sonic Pi), Max/Msp
Audio Middleware: Wwise-101 Certification、Wwise-201 Certification


I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.

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